Supporting clients to transform thier workplace cultures since 1993


Conflict Is For the birds

Since it’s publication as a book, Conflict is for the Birds has become a very popular training program and a client favourite!

Conflict is for the Birds is not only a book, but it is also a full training program, and an assessment tool. It looks at the positive potential of conflict—a potential that derives from making appropriate choices in how we respond to conflict.

Conflict is for the Birds identifies five distinct conflict management styles – the Woodpecker, the Parakeet, the Ostrich, the Owl and the Hummingbird – and explains the unique strengths and challenges of each.

Understanding how we can make positive choices in responding to conflict is the first step in resolving our differences.

Conflict is for the Birds resources include:

  • Personal Assessment Instrument

  • Facilitator’s Guide/Administrator’s Manual

  • Participant’s Workbook

  • Conflict is for the Birds: Understanding Your Conflict Management Style (book)


ORGPULSE™ is an extensively tested online tool that measures and tracks the pulse of your organization in eleven key areas. It accurately assess the level of functional harmony within your organization by providing an accurate picture of the climate, challenges, and opportunities that your organization faces.

ORGPULSE™ can help your organization replicate successes, resolve current issues, and prepare for upcoming challenges. It is also used as a benchmark to measure success and track progress. By being given a clear and unbiased view of the organization from all levels, your organization will have a better idea on how to initiate effective change, and implement appropriate action so it can set itself up for success.

UPVERSA Core leadership™ Program

Core Leadership™ is a group coaching program that provides you with the expertise, opportunity, and support to become a great leader.

It consists of a combination of regular in-class group sessions and individual coaching over a period of 3-6 months.

This program takes an innovative approach to the organizational challenges and complex issues of the modern workplace. We believe that leadership skills are at the core of organizational innovation, stability, and adaptability.

Through a combination of theory, reflection, and practice, the program offers an opportunity to increase self-awareness, enhance knowledge, and build skills needed in your leadership role.

If there were ever a time for leaders and emerging leaders to invest in becoming great leaders, now’s the time!

CCR International also offers one-on-one on-demand Executive Coaching.